
Brushin da teeth

Kitchen Mess

Evangelina's favourite room in the house is the kitchen. She is either ripping everything out of the cupboards or eating triple her weight in food.

First Birthday

Evangelina had a big fancy dress birthday party. She was a duck. Her duck noise sounds somewhat like a mouse though.

Eva's First Camping Trip

Sept long weekend we went to Oastler Lake with Becky, Corrie, Mike, Mark, Rosalie, Sam, Marian and Faven. Eva loved the tent so much that we set one up in the backyard for her playroom.


Growing Pains

Evangelina is almost a year now. She has been really cranky the past couple days due to the second front top tooth poking through. She communicates by grunts and laughs and loads of pointing to things she wants.


Some Catch-up

Baby being as cute as ever! She chomps everything with her two teeth.


Funny Face

Evangelina found out how to make us laugh from her playpen.


The New Strawberry Shortcake

Baby ended up getting strawberry in her white sweater so Daddy ended up getting a talking to by Mummy but Daddy ended up getting the stains out of the white sweater so Mummy ended up apologising and Daddy and Mummy learnt that Baby ended up falling in love with strawberries.

Walk in the Park

Baby is growing! That is our new home that we are standing in front of.


Spring is Here!

Finally the warm weather is here and Eva is lovin the heat! This is the first time I asked for a kiss and actually got one... sort of.


Baby Easter

Baby is lookin all pretty. Hopefully now that we have settled in our new house I will be able to keep everyone posted on current events.